Arthritis is a group of diseases that develop for different reasons and have similar mechanisms of action. Treatment of arthritis must be comprehensive - taking medications, using ointments and using folk remedies.
6 December 2023
Signs of osteonecrosis are easily confused with another disease, for example, a violation of the heart. Find out how the symptoms of spine disease manifest in order to have timely treatment and avoid complications.
6 May 2022
Pain in the lumbar spine: causes and symptoms of spinal pathologies. Effective treatment of back pain.
16 March 2022
An article on the symptoms and home treatment of spondylolisthesis.
11 July 2021
Why do lumbar tumors appear, symptoms of the disease. How is the disease diagnosed and treated, what measures are taken to prevent the disease from recurring. Helpful advice from your doctor.
9 April 2021
Why do neck and head hurt? Topical fibroids: What is the threat, what is the danger? How to treat cervical necrosis? How to get rid of neck pain without medications and injections. The modern method helps to eliminate cervical fibroids.
8 April 2021
Osteoarthritis is a condition characterized by constant pain that does not go away even when the joint is not under pressure. The main cause leading to the deviated formation is due to metabolic disorders.
8 April 2021
What is osteonecrosis and how dangerous is it? We study the main signs and symptoms of osteonecrosis and precise pathological treatments.
8 April 2021